We have a range of great wines which represent both excellent value and quality, from everyday drinking to something special.

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Hook Norton Brewery - Hooky Gold 4.1% ABV

A very pale, crisp beer, confidently displaying its hop character. The first Hook Norton beer to feature American hops. A fruity aroma and a pleasant, light taste.

Wainwright - WainwrightAmber 4% ABV

Wainwright Amber, made from quality English malt and hops with a full-bodied flavour that’s creamy and lightly fruity, with a crisp, clean finish.

Phipps Brewery - IPA 4.3% ABV

A combination of Kent hops rule the taste buds over Maris Otter, Pale Ale and Crystal malts. At 1036 OG this brew comes from the top end of a range of beers designed for thirst quenching following a hard days work in field or factory.